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Change the world with your donation

Förderverein 1 €uro International e.V.

managed by Stefan Koscheny

About us

Due to the commitment of voluntary workers in Germany, the Christian sponsoring association 1 €uro International e. V. was founded in 2007 with the aim of building and maintaining a school in Monopoly / Ethiopia. Since then, the development association 1 €uro International e. V. has been building and maintaining the Berhan School, which is free to attend. We are convinced that a good school education is a cornerstone for an independent life.

In 2012 the 1 €uro sponsorships were created to specifically support particularly needy children.
1 €uro International is a registered non-profit association.

With our work we want to be a testimony to God's love.

Latest project news

Wir haben 3.954,58 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Lilli Friesen  25 September 2019 at 04:59 PM

Die Spendengelder wurden für die BerhanSchool in Äthiopien gesammelt, um dort die Reparaturen der Sturmschäden in Folge eines Tornados zu bezahlen.

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Waldstrasse, 14

Stefan Koscheny

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