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no-budget-arts e.V.

managed by Moana Köhring

About us

Since 2000, [no-budget-arts] acts as an event organizer for independent arts and culture in Bochum, Germany.

During the first years of its existence, [no-budget-arts] focused on major off-culture events in vacant stores and shops in Bochum.
Since 2002, the organisation runs its own location: BASTION.

BASTION consists of:
Das Kleinste Kino Bochums, with 16 seats in fact Bochum's smallest cinema, where not only movies, but also concerts, public readings, theater and other performances take place.
The Egozentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst// Egocenter of contemporary Arts, a small exhibition room also used for seminars.
The Salon including the bar and a small dance floor, illuminated most convertably by large-scale slide projections.

The program is self-curated as well as internationally cast and covers all art disciplines and genres.
Find the experimental alongside the catchy, the soft alongside the loud and enjoy the danceable from a movie seat.

Completely independent of public funding, [no-budget-arts] is financed by donations and private parties hosted at BASTION.

Latest project news

Wir haben 156,00 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Moana Köhring  05 July 2024 at 08:10 AM
Vielen, vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
Wir werden die gesammelten Spenden dafür nutzen, Kosten für unseren Veranstaltungsort zu tragen.  
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Karl-Lange-Straße 53

Moana Köhring

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