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FOPOS e.V. Förderverein Oratorium Südafrika

managed by Klaus Lauck

About us

FOPOS e.V. is an association in Germany that directly supports the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Oudtshoorn/South Africa through donations and volunteers.

The Oratory is located in the middle of the township of Bridgton. It tries to support the people there, especially the children and young people. In the St. Luigi Care Center malnourished children are cared for, in the day care center the children receive care and often the only warm meal a day, in House Philipp the young people find a place to go.
There are gardens and playgrounds, a clothing store, cultural activities, school support and individual help, and much more.

FOPOS e.V. is recognized by the Paderborn tax office as a charitable and non-profit organization.

Latest project news

Wir haben 97,50 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Klaus Lauck  25 July 2024 at 10:28 AM

FOPOS e.V. unterstützt Kinder und Jugendliche, die in Südafrika im Township von Oudtshoorn unter dem Existenzminimum leben. im Care-Center bekommen sie oft ihre einzige Mahlzeit am Tag, sie werden betreut und gefördert. 

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An der Schützenhalle 10

Klaus Lauck

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