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Fliegende Schönheiten - Stadttauben Wuppertal e.V.

managed by Daniela Mosenbach

About us

We are the flying beauties - Stadttauben Wuppertal e. V., founded and registered as a non-profit association in November 2020. If a pigeon needs help, we are there to help. We are taking care of pigeon chicks, injured, exhausted or tied pigeons and all further need. When they are healthy and fit enough, we let them fly again. Disabled Pigeons which can’t get out due to a handicap are taken care until we found a suitable final destination. Our association is based on self-finance by donations, and we would be grateful for donations, doesn’t matter if large or small. 🕊

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.011,27 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Daniela Mosenbach   04 December 2024 at 02:50 PM

Vielen Dank für die Spenden, damit können wir die Tierarztkosten, Medikamente, Futter und alles was die Täubchen benötigen finanzieren. 

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Uellendahlerstr. 6, Ladenlokal rechts

Daniela Mosenbach

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