Jugendsozialverbund Strausberg e.V.
managed by K. Roock
About us
The JSV is an association with a multi-generation perspective. We have projects for all age groups and promote participation and intergenerational exchange. As a provider of free youth welfare services and providers of offers to support everyday life, as well as a recognized deployment site for the federal voluntary service, we are involved in various public committees for the interests of our users. Feel free to visit us and learn about our various areas such as the active playground, the graffiti wall, our neighborhood gardens, the sports and leisure oasis, our open children and youth work, the day-care center, our advice center or our diverse calendar of events (offers that support everyday life) for seniors and know without a nursing degree.
We look forward to seeing you and are grateful for any support in the form of monetary donations or donations of time.
Latest project news
Wir haben 68,25 € Spendengelder erhalten
Wir erstellen mithilfe der Spendengelder zwei standhafte Abfallbehälter aus Beton welche im Außenbereich an der Graffitiwall und im Freizeitbereich Tischtennisplatte und Volleyballfeld für Ordnung sorgen. Wir arbeiten noch an einem Deckelsystem, dass entsorgte Spraydosen nicht von unbefugte wieder entnommen werden können.
Mühlenweg 6a
K. Roock
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