Population Caring Organization
managed by J. Trenk
About us
The Population Caring Organization (PCO) is a humanitarian organization founded in 2003 at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana. PCO addresses the needs of vulnerable West Africans, especially Liberians and Ghanaians. Our mandate is to improve both day-to-day conditions and long-term prospects for suffering West Africans who have been displaced or affected by poverty and civil war.
Our work includes (1) the provision of free and quality education to refugee children and other underprivileged youth whose parents cannot afford to support their education; (2) providing skills and literacy training to poor, vulnerable mothers with the aim of empowering them to support themselves and their families; and (3)promoting reconciliation and non-violent conflict resolution through the PCO community peace cells. We also work to rebuild trust and cooperation among tribal people through the Tribal Leaders’ Reconciliation Forum and peace festivals.
Presently, we are in the process of establishing the West Africa Peace Village in the central region of Ghana. With a grant of $7,000 from Nicola Feldeman, a former volunteer, and the GVNFoundation, PCO has began constructing the first school in the peace village. Upon completion the village will serve as the center of our peace and education efforts.
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