Hippo AI Foundation
managed by Viktoria Prantauer
About us
Unite Data Defeat Inequalities.
The Hippo AI Foundation was founded in 2020 by Bart de Witte, former healthcare and AI executive. The global initiative aims to create an ethical foundation for Artificial Intelligence (AI) that serves healthcare for all, not just a few.
To avoid monopolization of life-saving knowledge, Hippo AI Foundation focuses on the democratization of medical AI, believing that any AI development should be accessible to the general public and represent a digital commons.
Hippo AI believes that AI will have a positive impact on the future of medicine as long as it is developed and managed by citizens and organizations that value health over capital.
viktoriaonezero.org is Hippo AI's first patient-driven campaign to build the world's largest open database for the fight against breast cancer.
Wörther Strasse 8
Viktoria Prantauer
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