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youmocracy e.V.

managed by Florentin Siegert

About us

"youmocracy - democracy needs you" is a Germany-wide, non-partisan discussion forum in which young people can exchange views and educate themselves on socio-political topics within the framework of Germany’s liberal-democratic rule of law. The purpose of our association is "the promotion of representative democracy and non-partisan political discussion.” Our central idea is to promote socio-political dialogue between young people of diverse backgrounds and walks of life and to empower them and their democratic values.

Latest project news

Wir haben 20,22 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Florentin Siegert  22 November 2023 at 01:55 PM

Den Betrag investieren wir in die Ausbildung unserer Demokratiebotschafter*innen.

Wir bedanken uns von ganzem Herzen bei allen Spenderinnen und Spendern, die mit ihrer Spende die Arbeit unseres Vereins unterstützt haben. Herzlichen Dank!

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Schmiedehof 7

Florentin Siegert

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