Studieren Ohne Grenzen Deutschland e.V.
managed by Katharina Batzing
Support our aid projects
About us
Studies Without Borders is committed to higher education in conflict areas. We award scholarships to disadvantaged students, contribute to the improvement of the education infrastructure, and raise the awareness of the German public for the situation in our target areas – for example in Guatemala, the DR Congo, Burundi, Sri Lanka and the West Bank.
With our work, we want to support young people in independently contributing to the reconstruction and reconciliation in their home countries. Together with our scholarship holders, we want to make a contribution to the peaceful and sustainable development in countries and regions that suffer from war or its consequences.
Latest project news

Wir haben 4,48 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spende wurde für die Umsetzung des SOG-Infrastrukturprojektes in Mweso im Osten der DR Kongo verwendet. Das Dorf wird damit nachhaltig ans Stromnetz angeschlossen, was neue Möglichkeiten für Bildung junger Menschen erschließt und insofern an das SOG-Stipendienprojekt in Mweso anschließt.