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Change the world with your donation


managed by Celia Röthig

About us

NIDISIs believe that most of the solutions to the global challenges facing humanity and our planet already exist. Everything is ultimately a question of attitude. We can live together better, fairer and more sustainably on our unique planet. Sometimes all you need is an impulse or a little push to rethink.
NIDISI has set itself the goal of setting a good example in its projects and proving that it is possible to create economic, ecological and social added value at the same time. We would also like to give other organizations and companies impulses to take a step in the right direction with us.
Because "Humanity can do better!"

Our initiative was founded after the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. What began as disaster relief has become a long-term affair of th

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Wir haben 740,95 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Celia Röthig  21 March 2024 at 08:21 AM

Danke, danke, danke! 
Der Aufbau der Bindenproduktionsstätte ist in vollem Gange - spätestens im Mai können wir mit der Produktion der Binden beginnen! 

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Jänickestraße 59B

Celia Röthig

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