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Street Girls Aid

managed by Vida Amoako

About us

Street Girls Aid is a non-profit organization( NPO) in Ghana Established in 1994, the organization primarily cater for disadvantaged children and young mothers aged from (1 to 18) living in street situations to bring about positive changes in their lives through programs which consists of formal education for under 7 year old's, protection and safety and enhance their ability to make choices through the many and varied programs that help them to physically, psychologically and intellectually grow and thrive.
S. Aid's vision: A society where all street connected children and young mothers have a high quality of life and an opportunity to achieve their fullest potential and contribute to society. Current projects include inclusive early childhood development , vocational and life skills education and care for pregnant teenaged girls.


p o box ct 5508, Cantonments

Vida Amoako

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