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Bella's Pfotenhilfe e.V.

managed by Belinda Bärthel

About us

We have made it our mission to rescue dogs from the streets in Bosnia, Velika Kladusa. We take care of them by giving them warmth and trust, administering necessary medication, providing them with food and fresh water. Our animal friends on the spot take care of about 100 dogs daily (!) at the feeding stations and boarding houses. With our possibilities we always take in new dogs to give them a life they deserve - full of love, warmth, trust. Just like in a family!

Unfortunately, the reality is different, because they are tortured, hunted, even shot and exposed to many other cruelties. Therefore, for us only one thing helps: rescue dogs, take care of them and castrate them. Only neutering can stop that there is an unstoppable population of dogs in Bosnia and even more dogs' lives suffer. Our big goal is that no four-legged friend has to suffer any more from the torment of the street and people.

Latest project news

Wir haben 107,25 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Belinda Bärthel  05 June 2024 at 02:45 PM

Die Spendengelder werden zur Begleichung unserer riesigen Tierarztrechnungen verwendet. Vergiftete, angefahrene Hunde und kranke Welpen fordern aktuell unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit. Durch diese vielen Notfälle sind wir finanziell am Limit.

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Schulstraße 34A

Belinda Bärthel

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