Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.
managed by T. Hock
About us
Madagascar, an extraordinary beautiful island but one of the poorest countries in the world. The state medical care for the population is catastrophic. In the spirit of Christian charity, we provide thousands of people in need with basic and emergency medical care and obstetrics.
Our home base is in Ambovo, a village without any infrastructure northwest of the capital. At the beginning of 2018, Nehemia e.V. gave us full ownership of the property and the building on which we have been running the infirmary they built since 2009.
In 2018/19, with your help, a hospital was built and inaugurated, where we provide basic medical care, dentistry, obstetrics and newborn care. A children's section is in development.
We also provide continuing education for the local staff, which currently has 146 employees, and our Madagascar work administration is located here.
Latest project news
Wir haben 2.556,95 € Spendengelder erhalten
Liebe Spender
Unser Krankenhaus hat viele Quadratmeter und wir freuen uns, dass Ihr mit Eurer Spende den Betrieb möglich macht! Medikamente, Verbrauchsmaterialien, Personal, und so weiter!
Herzlichen Dank und bitte, spendet weiter.
Liebe Grüsse aus Ambovo, Tanja