Dassari Benefiz e.V.
managed by I. May
About us
We collect donations to support people in West Africa. We aim to promote "help for self-help" among young people from needy families, especially girls and women. The district we support, DASSARI, is located in the north of the West African country of Benin.
Our association, "Dassari - Benefiz e.V.," is based in Erlangen. The first board member is Dr André Tagali, who was born and grew up in Dassari. All members of the association's board, all active members, and the many helpers work voluntarily. The organization of the association does not incur any costs at the expense of the individual projects.
Our project selection takes place closely with the Catholic mission in Dassari. The local priest conscientiously ensures that the projects are carried out. In addition to educational sponsorships, we support the local primary school and the community center.
Latest project news
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