Statefree e.V.
managed by Charlotte Sievers
About us
Statefree is the first human rights organisation in Germany which is fully dedicated to the topic of statelessness.
Approximately 15 million persons are stateless around the world. They live without effective nationality and consequently without access to basic human rights. In Germany, too, more than 126,000 persons are affected by statelessness. Stateless persons often cannot work, travel, marry or vote and have no point of contact for their concerns. No nation ensures that their rights are respected or that a way out of statelessness is established for them. Today, stateless people are neither visible nor equal - Statefree wants to change that! Our work is based on the three pillars of Community, Visibility and Equal Rights. Statefree wants to make statelessness visible in society and politics, connect stateless people worldwide and make Germany the European pioneer in dealing with statelessness.
Latest project news
Wir haben 1.453,49 € Spendengelder erhalten
Eure Spende erlaubt es uns, unsere allgemeine Projektarbeit, wie z.B. die Durchführung des Non-Citizen-Research-Projekts und die Planung verschiedener Statefree Community Aktivitäten, in den kommenden Monaten wie geplant durchzuführen. Vielen Dank an euch alle!
Schellingstraße 105a
Charlotte Sievers
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