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African Information Movement

managed by J. Preuß

About us

African Information Movement (AIM.) is a registered non-governmental organization in Germany and in Ghana with social charity status. It was established in 2004 in Freiburg, Germany.
AIM. is realising development objectives in Ghana through fundraising and education efforts in Germany and is offering programmes of open youth work in both countries.

One of today’s greatest challenges is the promotion of knowledge and education, as the key to successful and sustainable development. In the computerized world of today, having access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is vital to help close the gap between the North and the South.

The education provided enhances the prospects of the young generation and supports the formation of independent young and talented minds that can solve local problems independently.

To compliment the objectives and the vision of the project, African Information Movement is actively working with the local youth in Freiburg and in Komenda. It (the German “AIM. Youth” and the Komenda Youth Club) to provide a platform for young people to come together, discuss, plan and do projects themselves that will serve the interest of their community or benefit a social purpose.

Latest project news

Ich habe 19,50 € Spendengelder erhalten

  R. Elsaesser  16 January 2018 at 03:53 PM

Die gesammelten Spenden werden dem Zweck entsprechend für die Förderung von ICT Kursen für Schüler am AIM. Ausbildungszentrum verwendet. 

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Klarastraße 79a
Freiburg im Breisgau

J. Preuß

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