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Sublime World Productions

managed by Jochen S.

About us

Sublime World Productions is a small company run by two people: Jochen Schell & Lucía Arias Ballesteros. We organize projects using the arts in order to create awareness about stories we want to tell and situations where we feel that we can make a difference. We are very focused on Africa and started with our first project in 2009 in Madrid. For this first project, which was called “Niños de Africa” (Children from Africa), we have organized a photo exhibition about children from Africa trying in order to look at the the positive and negative aspects in the life of children in different African countries: Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Angola, and Mauritania. The aim was also to create awareness about the Millennium Development Goals and their progress in Africa. We combined the exhibition with music concerts, theater plays, conferences on education in Africa and artistic workshops for children. The funds which were raised during this project through the sales of the fotos, the "Niños de Africa"-music CD and donations from visitors, were given to the NGO Save the Children for their project “Rewrite the future” in Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our second project is called “Sounds from Ghana” Find out more about this project here in …

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  Jochen S. 

We achieved our goal !!!!! Thanks to all the sponsors and friends who have supported us !!!! As we posted in previous mails, the Children's Rights Song which we have created in our workshop has been put on You Tube. This song is also been used by Curious Minds, a child-led radio show in Accra which promotes Children's Rights.   Again THANK YOU ALL !!!!! Jochen & Lucia

Es wurden 855,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

plane tickets Berlin - Accra (return) 855,00 €
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calle Pisueña 29

Jochen S.

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