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#CrossBorderRail 2024 South East Europe

A project from MitOst in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 2022 and 2023 Jon's #CrossBorderRail projects with MitOst looked at the railways at the internal borders of the EU. This year he is going further - to the international railway lines in south east Europe. The most challenging project yet!

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About this project

Jonathan Worth from MitOst is responsible for this project
It should be as simple to take a train across a border in Europe as it is to take one within one country. That is the simple idea behind the #CrossBorderRail project Jon Worth and MitOst have been running since 2022.

As anyone who has ever tried to travel internationally by train in Europe knows, the reality is very different - infrastructure, service levels, timetables and ticketing are all poorer in border regions.

In 2022 Jon crossed all of the internal borders of the European Union you can cross by train to diagnose the problems at each. In 2023 he went back to Germany's borders at the start of the Deutschlandticket, and so far has documented and assessed 200 cross border rail lines.

In May and June 2024 non-EU South East Europe is the focus of #CrossBorderRail - the borders of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo (and the 33 railway lines between these countries, and between them and the EU) will be the focus of the investigations. South East Europe has suffered from decades of under investment in its rail network, but in that region - as anywhere else in Europe - good quality cross border public transport is of vital importance.

The #CrossBorderRail method is simple: Jon travels to the railway lines, examine the state of the infrastructure and timetables, and photographs (also with a drone) what is there. Events with local sustainable transport activists are organised in as many places as possible, to understand local needs and discuss what measures have worked at other borders. At the end of the trip all the borders crossed will be assessed, and proposals for how to improve rail transport at each of them put forward.

The crowd funding at Betterplace will cover the costs of running the project. €3276 is needed to cover the train tickets, accommodation and IT costs, and is the minimum needed to allow the project to take place. Ideally €7172 will be raised - to allow Jon to also be paid the minimum wage for the time invested in the project.

A detailed route, including all the borders to be investigated, can be found at

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