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conditions for possible financial partnership.

R. Bbaale
R. Bbaale wrote on 06-10-2009

Whereas the contracting authority SOVHEN UGANDA desires to engage the services of the financial partner on the Terms and Conditions herein set forth, and whereas the financial partner is willing and ready to accept this engagement of services with SOVHEN UGANDA on the said Terms and Conditions, the parties agree that the financial partnership shall accelerate the attainment of the project objectives.

The scope and level of this agreement depends on the extent to which the partners’ missions coincide and partners shall therefore share the overall responsibility for policy formulation, share responsibility for collaborative service provision based on the comparative advantage(s) of the parties, and within a given context, partners shall strive to complement each other. While inputs, outputs and outcomes pertaining the partnership shall be agreed, reported and shared among the partners, partners shall ensure and cause keeping of regular and relevant financial and management accountability as regards the project activities.

The project will apply internationally recognized accounting standards in all the project activities. The finances will be managed by SOVHEN UGANDA’s full-time project accountant who will be answerable to the Executive Director. SOVHEN will outsource services of a reputable auditing firm which will prepare annual audit reports. As always, SOVHEN will uphold the values of honesty and transparency in all transactions.