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Students save lives in Northern India

ks-plus e.V.
A project from ks-plus e.V. in Kirpal Sagar near Rahon , India
Start of a first aid project at a school in the northwest of India (pupils save lives), in the future establishment of a school medical service.

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€100collected of €250
40 %funded

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About this project

W. Stadlmeyer from ks-plus e.V. is responsible for this project
Just arrived at the Kirpal Sagar Academy in Northwest India, where 250 students of grades 9 to 12 could learn first aid for several days. The encouragement was so great that something permanent is to become of it. The school management is fully behind it, two teachers are ready to qualify as trainers. We have already brought two resuscitation dolls with us. Oh yes, further north there had been the earthquake and devastating floods in 2012.  More about the project:
Another project at the Academy:

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