Change the world with your donation

Is my data safe with

Yes, your data is safe with And we only request data from you that is absolutely necessary.

  • We use personal data collected upon visiting our websites according to the validly applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations and only to the extent that this is necessary for the intended purpose or any consent given by you.
  • Every donor can decide if his name is shown publicly or if he wants to donate anonymously
  • We will only forward your name to the person responsible of the project you donated to, so he has the chance to send you a thank you - message. We will not hand over your address or email address for this purpose.
  • Other personal data than your name will not be transmitted to third parties, unless you have assented to this or this occurs for some other reason pursuant to “Other Rights of betterplace”.
  • We do not use personal data for any commercial purposes.

This is just a short excerpt. Read the full privacy policy to get all the details.